Dance Physiotherapy

Returning to the studio is very different from returning to the soccer field. I use my background in dance to create rehabilitation programs specific to each dancer’s goals, whether that’s managing an acute or chronic injury, increasing flexibility, or learning to control and strengthen hypermobility.

You don’t need to be injured to benefit from dance physiotherapy. I also see dancers who are looking to improve technique, turnout, core engagement, and general mobility. Check with your extended benefits provider to see if they cover these preventative services.

If you are managing an injury, I will provide you with a communication form to give to your dance teachers. This will help everybody stay on the same page as you progress through your treatment plan.

Pre-Pointe Assessments

While a dance teacher makes the ultimate decision about readiness to start pointe, I can offer tailored exercise recommendations to support classwork and increase confidence when taking this big step.

(Best booked 6-12 months before pointe work is due to begin)

Pointe Shoe Assessments

Are you having pain or discomfort en pointe? Bring your shoes and we’ll troubleshoot together. We’ll look at your shoes, technique, and your individual anatomy to make pointework safer and more comfortable.